Tracking for All Other Platforms

This guide will show you how to set up tracking for any Non-Integrated Platform


What is a Non-Integrated Platform?

Non-integrated platforms refer to any platforms or channels that do not natively integrate with Northbeam. Generally speaking, this includes any platform that isn't listed in our Connections page (Settings > Connections)

Common Examples:

  • Any Email/SMS Channel (ex. Yotpo, Omnisend, GetResponse, Sendlane, Mailchimp)
    • Specific guides for Klaviyo and Attentive. We'll still need a Custom Spendsheet for spend data
  • Influencers
  • Podcasts
  • Direct Mail
  • Reddit
  • ImpactRadius
  • ShareASale
  • Criteo
  • StackAdapt

How to track Non-Integrated Platforms

MetricsHow does Northbeam track?Notes
Visits, Revenue, TransactionsStandard UTMs

(ex. utm_source, medium, campaign)
Our pixel is ingests standard UTM Parameters (usually for Google Analytics) to track Visit and Conversion data from any non-integrated platforms.

Standard UTMs consist of the following:

- utm_source
- utm_medium
- utm_campaignYou're able to use any values you'd like.
SpendSpendsheet or Spend APICosts are normally pulled through our native integrations. However, for any costs from platforms that don't natively integrate with Northbeam, you could use a Spendsheet or the Spend API.

Step 1: Inserting UTMs to tracking Visits, Revenue, and Transactions

If your platform is in our UTM guide, please use the listed parameters.

To find our UTM guide:

  1. Navigate to Settings
  2. Under Onboarding Tasks, click on UTM Guide

If your platform is NOT in the guide, please use standard UTM parameters:

  • utm_source
  • utm_medium
  • utm_campaign
  • utm_term**
  • utm_content**


Use any values you'd like, but be mindful of how the the data pulls into the dashboard.

UTM ParameterWhere it pulls in Northbeam
utm_sourceCampaign Level
utm_mediumCampaign Level
utm_campaignCampaign Level (line item)
utm_termAdset Level (line item)
utm_contentAd Level (line item)

Below is a visual on how utm_campaign is reported within your Sales page.


Let's say you're running influencer campaigns and want to see performance by each individual influencer. It'd make the most sense to insert the influencer name into utm_campaign -- each row on the campaign level is segmented by the utm_campaign value. See picture above.

To take it one step further, maybe you want to track another variable, like the offer. You could insert this into utm_term.

Example URL:

Step 2: Upload Costs via Custom Spend

This step is optional. This is only if you wish to upload associated costs. Without Custom Spend, we'll still track Visits, Revenue, and Orders and report the data in the dashboard -- as long as UTM parameters are in use.

There are two ways to upload Custom Spend

Spend APISend spend data directly to your dashboard in an automated fashion through Spend API.Data needs to live in an internal database (ex. AWS, Snowflake, Databricks, Azure, Domo, etc.) and will need a Reverse ETL to move it out.
Spend SheetEnter your data into a Spend Sheet (gSheet), which will be connected to your dashboard.Less technical method, but will require manual input.


Method 1: Using the Spend API

If possible, this is the preferred method.

Learn how to set this up here:


Method 2: Using a Spend Sheet

If development resources aren't available, you could always use a Spend Sheet.

Spend Sheet Directions

Step 1: Please submit an inquiry and request a custom spendsheet

Step 2: Fill out the Custom Spendsheet

Find the document in your dashboard under Settings > Data Spreadsheets, under Custom Spend Spreadsheets.

You'll see directions in the first tab.

  1. In the Input tab, enter your spend sources in Row 1 (A1, B1, C1, etc). You’ll likely see placeholders, so please rename to anything you'd like.
  2. Insert the corresponding costs. Add them on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
  3. If easier, feel free to use automations/formulas to pull in spend into the "Input" tab (ex. IMPORTRANGE, VLOOKUP)
  4. Please do not edit the tab called “IMPORT_TARGET

Once your costs are added, expect them to populate in the next data refresh.

Step 3: Re-Categorize Custom Spend

When your spend data is uploaded to your dashboard, it's grouped into the Platform called "Other". If you'd like to move it to a different Platform group, we can use our Breakdowns Manager.

Learn below:


I uploaded my spend numbers, but I can't find them.

Please be sure to look in the 'Other' platform group. If you'd like to group together the spend and revenue, you could use a Label.

How do I track audio/video platforms where it may be difficult to get UTMs on links?

We understand it's challenging to embed UTMs on all links - especially from channels that often utilize discount codes -- like Influencers, Affiliates, and Podcasts.

As a workaround, we've seen our customers find success with Vanity Links. Vanity links can be used to redirect users to a UTM-embedded URL, but tend to be more shareable.

Ex) redirects to is likely more easily shared than

If you're on Shopify, [here's an article on how to create redirects.](

Can I use Northbeam UTM parameters on my ads? ("NB" "NBT")

We only support the Northbeam parameters on our UTM Guide. If you don't see your platform on your guide, please refrain from using Nortbeam parameters as they will not do anything -- as they are not mapped in our backend.

Instead, please use Standard UTM Parameters, listed above in "Step 1".


Standard UTM Parameters will not a negative impact on tracking. They track just as well as Northbeam UTM Parameters.

Can I track using Discount Codes?

Currently, all the data we pull into the Sales page are primarily segmented by UTM parameters and not Discount Codes. However, we are working on a solution for Discount Code tracking yet no timeline at the moment.

In the meantime, feel free to reference Discount Codes in your Customer LTV page, which reflect the average lifetime value of each code.

Vanity Links could be used as a workaround. See under "Step 1".

Why do I see a data discrepancy?

Discrepancies in Revenue, Orders, and Visits are expected. The reason for this lies in the differences between Northbeam's attribution model and the corresponding platform's attribution model. Each attribution model has a unique method of allocating credit.

For example, Northbeam's Clicks-Only model divides credit across all touchpoints and tries to push credit to your upper funnel channels. Let's say your in-platform model uses Last Click, which gives credit to the last touchpoint in the journey. This is going to cause a discrepancy.

To take it one step further, let's say both Northbeam and in-platform are using Last Click. Northbeam is unique in that we recognize all touchpoints from every single channel. Whereas most platforms only recognize touchpoints from that same platform.

In addition, there's often a difference in the attribution window. By default, Northbeam leverages a 1-Day window, which is different than many other platforms' default.

To get the most apples to apples comparison, be sure to compare data using same Attribution Model and Attribution Window. But keep in mind, it will never be exact.

If you suspect a tracking issue, please review the following checklist:

  • UTMs: Ensure all your ads contain Northbeam UTMs, listed above under Step 2.
  • Northbeam Pixel: Ensure the Northbeam Pixel is firing on your landing page. Note that some site themes may not automatically transfer to landing pages on certain third-party apps, necessitating manual pixel placement.
  • Purchase Pixel: Confirm that the Purchase Pixel is firing on your checkout page.
  • A-Record Setup: Verify that the A-Record is correctly configured in your DNS Settings.