Multi-region configuration

Setup Northbeam across multiple regions.

Northbeam can be implemented to track different regions separately, if your setup meets the following requirements.


Ad DataDomainsOrders
Region-specific ad accounts, or campaigns, or adsetsRegion-specific top-level domains, or subdomains, or page pathsRegion-specific stores, or currencies, or shipping country, or other order metadata
  • Region-specific ad data. At either the account, campaign, or adset level, ad data must be region-specific / follow some naming convention. If single ad accounts are used to serve ads across multiple regions, campaigns/adsets must follow a naming convention.
    • Unique accounts (e.g. US Meta Ads Account, UK Meta Ads Account, CA Meta Ads Account)
    • Campaign Naming Convention (e.g. Names begins with US_, UK_, CA_)
    • Adset Naming Convention (e.g. Names begins with US_, UK_, CA_)
  • Region-specific domains. Each region has must have a unique subdomain or top-level domain, including the entire checkout experience.
    • Unique domains (e.g.,,
    • Unique subdomains (e.g.,,
    • Unique page paths (e.g.,,
  • Region metadata for orders. Orders need to be able to be grouped by region so that they can be matched with corresponding ad and visits datasets.
  • Region-specific dashboards. In order to accommodate this configuration, Northbeam dashboards will be made for each region, as opposed to a single dashboard with region breakdowns.


Can we consolidate all regions into a single dashboard?

  • If you only have 1 domain, you could analyze traffic across all regions in a single dashboard.
  • If you have multiple domains, you cannot send all data to a single dashboard.
    • Why?
      • Northbeam dashboards map 1:1 to domains to enable 1st party tracking. Each dashboard has a unique domain, connected to the A Record within the DNS settings.
      • If multiple domains pointed to 1 Northbeam dashboard, only 1 region would have 1st party tracking, and the others would use 3rd party tracking.
  • You can combine multiple dashboards into a single rollup dashboard.


Scenario 1

USUS Meta Ads
CACA Meta Ads
UKUK Meta Ads


Multi-dashboard configuration is supported!

This setup has unique ad accounts, domains, and orders which allows dashboards to be created for each region.

Scenario 2

USCampaign names begin with is USD
CACampaign names begin with is CAD
UKCampaign names begin with is GBP


Multi-dashboard configuration is supported!

This setup has region-specific campaign names, page paths, and orders data has currencies that map uniquely to the regions, which allows dashboards to be created for each region.

Scenario 3

US1 ad account, no naming is USD
CA1 ad account, no naming is CAD
UK1 ad account, no naming is GBP


Multi-dashboard configuration is not supported.

This setup has no way to split out ad data by region, so it is impossible to attribute spend and impressions to specific regions.


One blended dashboard is supported.

All the visits occur on the same top-level domain, so visit data can be collected from all regions via 1st party tracking.