Attribution Windows

We offer a variety of Attribution Windows, which help you inform your decision making.

What is an Attribution Window?

At a high level, an Attribution Window refers to the length of time in which a touchpoint receives credit for a purchase.

Attribution Windows are only available using the Accrual Accounting Mode since it credit is given to the touchpoint.

What Attribution Windows are available?

Here are the following windows for our Click-Based models (all, except Clicks & Views):

  • 1-Day Click
  • 3-Day Click
  • 7-Day Click
  • 14-Day Click
  • 30-Day Click
  • 90-Day Click
  • LTV

We offer a 1-Day View Window -- here our Attribution Windows for Clicks & Views:

  • 1-Day Click / 1-Day View
  • 3-Day Click / 1-Day View
  • 7-Day Click / 1-Day View
  • 14-Day Click / 1-Day View
  • 30-Day Click / 1-Day View
  • 90-Day Click / 1-Day View

Attribution Windows in Northbeam

We offer Attribution Windows for every conversion-based metric including: Revenue, Transactions, Email Sign Ups, Subscription Orders, or any Custom Event. In addition, windows are offered for any formulaic metric that contain a conversion metric such as: ROAS and CAC.

Within the dashboard, every metric with an Attribution Window has either a "(d)" or "LTV".

For example:

  • Attributed Rev (1d)
  • LTV Attributed Rev
  • ROAS (7d)
  • CAC (3d)
Attribution WindowMeaningDefinition
(1d)1-day windowCredit is given from conversions that occurred within 1 day after the touchpoint.
(3d)3-day windowCredit is given from conversions that occurred within 3 days after the touchpoint.
(7d)7-day windowCredit is given from conversions that occurred within 7 days after the touchpoint.
(14d)14-day windowCredit is given from conversions that occurred within 14 days after the touchpoint.
(30d)30-day windowCredit is given from conversions that occurred within 30 days after the touchpoint.
(60d)60-day windowCredit is given from conversions that occurred within 60 days after the touchpoint.
(90d)90-day windowCredit is given from conversions that occurred within 90 days after the touchpoint.
LTVInfinite WindowCredit is given from conversions that occurred any time after the touchpoint.

Attribution Window Examples

To understand the credit allocation based on the different windows, let's take an example.

  1. Jan 1 - Facebook Ad click
  2. Jan 3 - Google Ad click
  3. Jan 5 - Direct visit resulting in a purchase for $90

For simplicity, let's say we're using an equal weighting model (Linear) in the Accrual Accounting Mode.

Jan 1 Performance

PlatformAttributed Rev (1d)Attributed Rev (3d)Attributed Rev (7d)LTV Attributed Rev

Remember, we're using the Accrual mode, so credit is only given to touchpoints that occurred on Jan 1st, which in this case is Facebook.

The purchase happened 4 days after the Facebook touchpoint. As a result, the 1-day and 3-day windows do not get credit. But, the 7-day and LTV windows do since 4 days falls within both of these windows.

Jan 3 Performance

PlatformAttributed Rev (1d)Attributed Rev (3d)Attributed Rev (7d)LTV Attributed Rev

We're using the Accrual mode so only the touchpoints that occurred on Jan 3 receive credit, which in this case is Google.

The purchase happened 2 days after the Google touchpoint. Therefore, 1-day window does not get credit. But, 3-day, 7-day and LTV do since 2 days falls within all of these windows.

Jan 5 Performance

PlatformAttributed Rev (1d)Attributed Rev (3d)Attributed Rev (7d)LTV Attributed Rev

Again, we're using the Accrual mode so only the touchpoints that occurred on Jan 5 receive credit, which in this case is Direct.

The purchase happened the same day as the Direct touchpoint. Because this was less than 24 hours, this falls within all of the attribution windows.

Jan 1-5 Performance

Now let's put it all together. As a reminder, this is our journey:

  1. Jan 1 - Facebook Ad click
  2. Jan 3 - Google Ad click
  3. Jan 5 - Direct visit resulting in a purchase for $90
PlatformAttributed Rev (1d)Attributed Rev (3d)Attributed Rev (7d)LTV Attributed Rev