Best Practices and Limits

This page describes the Best Practices and Limitations of our Orders API

Best Practices

In a world absent of any logistical constraints, our customers would send us an API call for an order as soon as it lands in the Order Management System (OMS). This would enable the most realtime data for orders within northbeam, and would become available for analysis by our customers following their next data pipeline run.

While this is not often feasible, we generally advise you to sync as many orders as possible with a cadence of at least 2x faster than the number of times a day your pipeline runs per you services agreement.

Note that if you have a data pipeline that runs hourly, and you send order data once a day, it is likely that on any given present day, you will not be able to make best use of our data in real-time (however for metrics on a basis older than then current day, the experience will be unaffected)


Our current API accepts orders in batches of up to 1000 per API call. If your volume of orders exceeds this batch size, it is best to breakup the calls to not exceed this limit.

Error Handling

Error Code 429

Occasionally, you may encounter an HTTP status code 429. This error indicates that our infrastructure is scaling in response to a surge in request volume.

Recommended Action:
If you receive HTTP status code 429, please retry your request. For optimal results, implement an exponential backoff strategy to manage the retries.