Sign Up Events

Sign up events are a useful proxy to inform downstream performance.

We have integrations with Klaviyo and Attentive. These integrations pull sign up events into your dashboard.

IntegrationWhat does it do?
KlaviyoFetches 'subscribed to list' events from Klaviyo into Northbeam
AttentiveFetches "Email Sign Ups" and "SMS Sign Ups" from Attentive into Northbeam

However, we'll need to implement the fireEmailCapture script to attribute these sign ups (ex. Facebook Ads drove 100 sign ups). If this isn't implemented, the vast majority of your sign ups will be Unattributed.

For Shopify users: Our Northbeam Pixel tracks email sign ups in a few common areas where emails are captured (ex. footer), but does not cover everywhere. As a result, you may see a small portion of sign ups Attributed.

Email Sign Ups

In order to track Email Sign Up events, use our fireEmailCapture script. The events captured by this script are fed into your dashboard and will track email count under the metric called "Email Sign Ups".

// Arg0: The email address
// Arg1: The location identifier describing where the email was captured.
window.Northbeam.fireEmailCaptureEvent("[email protected]", "klaviyo_footer")

Please Note: The two strings ("[email protected]" and "klaviyo_footer") are dummy values. These values push the email address and the opt in location into our database.

However, we currently don't use these values anywhere on the frontend dashboard. We're simply storing this for a potential future product feature.

With that said, you could always pass empty strings if you'd like. It would look like this:

window.Northbeam.fireEmailCaptureEvent("", "")

Step 1: Make sure the Northbeam Pixel is firing

Confirm the following:

  • The base Northbeam Pixel is firing on the page of where the email sign up occurs occurs
  • This page lives on the same top-level domain as your website

Step 2: Insert the Email Capture Script

// Arg0: The email address
// Arg1: The location identifier describing where the email was captured.
window.Northbeam.fireEmailCaptureEvent("[email protected]", "klaviyo_footer")

For Google Tag Manager

If you're implementing this script through Google Tag Manager, please make sure to create the correct trigger. This tag is to be fired up every email opt in.

If you're creating an HTML Tag, be sure to wrap this script inside of <script> tags.

It would look something like this:

<script>window.Northbeam.fireEmailCaptureEvent("[email protected]", "klaviyo_footer")</script>

Or this:

<script>window.Northbeam.fireEmailCaptureEvent("", "")</script>

Step 3: Add Custom Goals into View

After the script are plugged in, you should see events populate within the Sales menu under the metric called "Email Sign Ups" Don’t forget to add this metric to a saved view for easy access.

Can we pass any other values, like value?

We're afraid this script is limited to tracking event count. Therefore, no other values could be passed.