Northbeam Metrics 101

We provide a variety of metrics to help you with decision making. It's important to understand what these mean and how they may be different than the metrics you're used to seeing.

Finding Metrics in the Dashboard

To find full list of our metrics within the dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Sales Page
  2. Click Customize Table

From here, you'll see a list of all the metrics we provide and you're able to add/remove any to your view.

To understand our metrics, use this guide to see a list of all their definitions and formulas.

Northbeam Conversion Metrics

It goes without saying but conversion metics are by far the most commonly used metrics within Northbeam.

NOTE: All Conversion Metrics in Accrual Accounting are reported in an Attribution Window, which is denoted in the metric name.


  • Transactions (1d) - Transactions completed in a 1-day window
  • Attributed Rev (1d) - Revenue in a 1-day window
  • ROAS (7d) - Return on Ad Spend calculated with Revenue in a 7-day window

Learn more about our Attribution Windows here.

For simplicity, we decided to omit the attribution windows from the list below.

Metric NameDefinitionCalculation or Notes
TransactionsNumber of Transactions from All Customers-
Transactions (1st Time)Number of Transactions from New Customers-
Transactions (Returning)Number of Transactions from Returning Customers-
Attributed RevAttributed Revenue from All CustomersRevenue attributed to touchpoints in the given time period. Available in Accrual Accounting.
Attributed Rev (1st Time)Attributed Revenue from New CustomersRevenue attributed to touchpoints in the given time period. Available in Accrual Accounting.
Attributed Rev (Returning)Attributed Revenue from Returning CustomersRevenue attributed to touchpoints in the given time period. Available in Accrual Accounting.
RevRevenue from All CustomersOnly available in Cash Accounting. No attribution windows available.
Rev (1st Time)Revenue from New CustomersOnly available in Cash Accounting. No attribution windows available.
Rev (Returning)Revenue from Returning CustomersOnly available in Cash Accounting. No attribution windows available.
AOVAverage Order Value from All CustomersCash: Rev ÷ Transactions

Accrual: Attributed Rev ÷ Transactions
AOV (1st Time)Average Order Value from New CustomersCash: Rev (1st Time) ÷ Transactions (1st Time)

Accrual: Attributed Rev (1st Time) ÷ Transactions (1st Time)
AOV (Returning)Average Order Value from Returning CustomersCash: Rev (Returning) ÷ Transactions (Returning)

Accrual: Attributed Rev (Returning) ÷ Transactions (Returning)
RefundsReturns, refunds, AND cancellations from All Customers -
Refunds (1st Time)Returns, refunds, AND cancellations from First Time Customers -
Refunds (Returning)Returns, refunds, AND cancellations from Returning Customers -
ShippingShipping Costs from All Customers-
Shipping (1st Time)Shipping Costs from New Customers-
Shipping (Returning)Shipping Costs from Returning Customers-
TaxTaxes from All Customers-
Tax (1st Time)Taxes from New Customers-
Tax (Returning)Taxes from Returning Customers-
DiscountsDiscounts from All Customers-
Discounts (1st Time)Discounts from New Customers-
Discounts (Returning)Discounts from Returning Customers-
CACAll Customer Acquisition CostSpend ÷ Transactions
CAC (1st Time)New Customer Acquisition CostSpend ÷ Transactions (1st Time)
CAC (Returning)Returning Customer Acquisition CostSpend ÷ Transactions (Returning)
ROASReturn on Ad Spend from All CustomersAttributed Rev ÷ Spend
ROAS (1st Time)Return on Ad Spend from New CustomersAttributed Rev (1st Time) ÷ Spend
ROAS (Returning)Return on Ad Spend From Returning CustomersAttributed Rev (Returning) ÷ Spend
MERMedia Efficiency Ratio from all CustomersRev ÷ Spend
MER (1st Time)Media Efficiency Ratio from New CustomersRev (1st Time) ÷ Spend
MER (Returning)Media Efficiency Ratio from Returning CustomersRev (Returning) ÷ Spend
ECRE-Commerce Conversion Rate from All CustomersTransactions ÷ Visits
ECR (1st Time)E-Commerce Conversion Rate from New CustomersTransactions (1st Time) ÷ Visits
ECR (Returning)E-Commerce Conversion Rate from Returning CustomersTransactions (Returning) ÷ Visits

Northbeam Click Metrics

Below are Click-Based metrics. Keep in mind, when calculating these formulas, we use Visits -- not clicks.

Metric NameDefinitionCalculation or Notes
VisitsVisits to your websiteTracked via Northbeam Pixel.

Visits are different from Clicks. Not all Clicks result in a Visit, so Visits are usually lower than in-platform Clicks.
New VisitsVisits to your website from new visitorsNew Visitors are determined by the Northbeam Pixel and our device graph.
% New VisitsPercentage of first-time website visitors(New Visits ÷ Visits) × 100
CPMCost Per Mille, or Cost per 1000 Impressions(Spend ÷ Impressions) × 1000
CTRClick-Thru RateVisits ÷ Impressions

We use Visits in this formula, not Clicks.
eCPCCost per VisitSpend ÷ Visits

We use Visits in this formula, not Clicks.
eCPNVCost per New VisitSpend ÷ New Visits

In-Platform Metrics

All of these metrics are pulled from in-platform.

Metric NameDefinitionCalculation or Notes
SpendAd spendFetched via API Connection or Custom Spendsheet
ImpressionHow many times your ads were servedFetched via API connection. Only available for API Channels.
Facebook ReportedClick, Creative, and Conversion Metrics reported by FacebookFetched via API connection. Only available for Facebook Ads.
TikTok ReportedClick, Creative, and Conversion Metrics reported by TikTokFetched via API connection. Only available for TikTok Ads.
Google ReportedClick, Creative, and Conversion Metrics reported by GoogleFetched via API connection. Only available for Google Ads.
Snapchat ReportedClick, Creative, and Conversion Metrics reported by SnapchatFetched via API connection. Only available for Snapchat Ads.
Pinterest ReportedClick, Creative, and Conversion Metrics reported by PinterestFetched via API connection. Only available for Pinterest Ads.

Northbeam Subscription Metrics

Our Subscription Metrics are based on Order Tags. To learn more about how this works, reference Subscription Analytics.

Metric NameDefinitionFormula
Subscription TransactionsAll Subscription TransactionsOrders with tags mapped to any subscription category
Subscription Transactions (1st Time)First-Time Subscription TransactionsOrders with tags mapped to the "First Time" subscription category
Subscription Transactions (Recurring)Recurring Subscription TransactionsOrders with tags mapped to the "Recurring" subscription category
Subscription Transactions (Other)Other Subscription TransactionsOrders with tags mapped to the "Other" subscription category
Subscription RevenueAll Subscription RevenueRevenue from Orders with tags mapped to any subscription category
Subscription Revenue (1st Time)First-Time Subscription RevenueRevenue from Orders with tags mapped to the "First Time" subscription category
Subscription Revenue (Recurring)Recurring Subscription RevenueRevenue from Orders with tags mapped to the "Recurring" subscription category
Subscription Revenue (Other)Other Subscription RevenueRevenue from Orders with tags mapped to the "Other" subscription category
Subscription RefundsAll Subscription RefundsRefunds from Orders with tags mapped to any subscription category
Subscription Refunds (1st Time)First-Time Subscription RefundsRefunds from Orders with tags mapped to the "First Time" subscription category
Subscription Refunds (Recurring)Recurring Subscription RefundsRefunds from Orders with tags mapped to the "Recurring" subscription category
Subscription Refunds (Other)Other Subscription RefundsRefunds from Orders with tags mapped to the "Other" subscription category
Subscription ShippingAll Subscription ShippingShipping from Orders with tags mapped to any subscription category
Subscription Shipping (1st Time)First-Time Subscription ShippingShipping from Orders with tags mapped to the "First Time" subscription category
Subscription Shipping (Recurring)Recurring Subscription ShippingShipping from Orders with tags mapped to the "Recurring" subscription category
Subscription Shipping (Other)Other Subscription ShippingShipping from Orders with tags mapped to the "Other" subscription category
Subscription TaxAll Subscription TaxTax from Orders with tags mapped to any subscription category
Subscription Tax (1st Time)First-Time Subscription TaxTax from Orders with tags mapped to the "First Time" subscription category
Subscription Tax (Recurring)Recurring Subscription TaxTax from Orders with tags mapped to the "Recurring" subscription category
Subscription Tax (Other)Other Subscription TaxTax from Orders with tags mapped to the "Other" subscription category
Subscription DiscountsAll Subscription DiscountsDiscounts from Orders with tags mapped to any subscription category
Subscription Discounts (1st Time)First-Time Subscription DiscountsDiscounts from Orders with tags mapped to the "First Time" subscription category
Subscription Discounts (Recurring)Recurring Subscription DiscountsDiscounts from Orders with tags mapped to the "Recurring" subscription category
Subscription Discounts (Other)Other Subscription DiscountsDiscounts from Orders with tags mapped to the "Other" subscription category